April 20, 2009


Serena arrived on Friday, April 10, 2009 at her new, and hopefully forever, home. As you can see, she travelled in style!
John and Sharon of Alpacas from Eighth and Mud in Stoney Creek (http://www.alpacasfromeighthandmud.com/index.html) opened their hearts and their barn to Serena and me. They are fairly new to alpaca farming, having welcomed their herd in January, and they are an enthusiastic, warm and interesting couple with 80 acres that include a vineyard, a pear orchard, two ponds, 20 or so chickens, 2 ducks, 3 dogs, about 12 alpacas and enough energy for 10 people! Nancy has been their alpaca mentor and, knowing what I was looking for (and having found Serena for me), she then became my real guardian angel by putting me in touch with Sharon and John. Nancy suggested that Serena could be boarded with their alpacas. I was thrilled because Stoney Creek is only a 30 minute drive from my home which means I can go after work and on weekends. Serena was taken out of the back seat section of the truck and moved to the girls' pasture - but not before she slipped away from six people and went for a short stroll around the back lawn:

Serena and Nancy
As soon as Serena got securely behind the fence, the lady alpacas and the young ones raced over to check out this strange smelling creature. Serena lived up to her name and was placid and calm while they offered her some welcome sniffs. I saw her again the following Wednesday evening and Opal was hovering over her like a good aunt while they had their evening snack.

Serena and Opal

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